Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Trend Sanggul 2011

Quan- looking haircut to go to a party or formal event?
You can use your long hair in a simple but elegant terliat. well it just rolled, and sweetened the flowers who you have. one model can also be used if the hair in a limp condition, or have not had time to wash. terliat will certainly not neat and clean?
many types of existing bun. but this is more simple bun who look cute and can be used in an official ceremony indoors or outside event ruangan.cukup ingredients jell cream and flowers, has become a mainstay of you look beautiful.
other than that this knot model, a trend bun 2011, who memfocuskan simplicity with a variety of natural shades of flowers. bun model who no longer use the metal, fabrics and materials are less alami.selamat try

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